When you are accountable for a high stakes game, it is often difficult to have the requisite insight into the world of all the players involved and fulfill on the opportunities at hand.  You are just too close to the situation and you need an unbiased, fresh approach.  Coaching and facilitation is all about removing the blocks to high performance.

We support people to look beyond the known parameters by equipping our clients with a new relationship to communication and listening.  We believe people have everything they need and to impact what they are dealing with requires a new view of the world.  Our developmental sessions, whether they are for individuals or specific groups, are designed to move people from complaints to action.

Diversity & Inclusion

We have a unique approach to DEI that engages people in a powerful way once they have taken responsibility for their relationship to diversity and inclusion.  The key is learning how to communicate effectively in an environment that is new and unfamiliar in which people are respected and differences are embraced.  That is what we do.

Executive Coaching

Often executives have a limited view of what staff is dealing with regarding clients’ demands.  They hire us to be a neutral influence that can help them connect the dots and reveal new opportunities for aligning their company’s purpose while sustaining a sense of satisfaction for all involved.

Group Coaching

There are instances where individuals commit to gain knowledge and effectiveness in an area that matters to them, and the group setting affords them an added advantage. The group dynamic provides potent impact, new ideas, and perspectives that accelerate the learning process. Group coaching is a 2 to 3-month commitment where everyone starts and completes together.

Seminars / Workshops

We offer open programs on various topics throughout the year. The duration can range from a weekend to 10 weeks. Check the website or newsletter for upcoming events.

Board Retreats

Our retreats are designed to allow board members to look together and assess the work before them in a guided conversation that inspires all with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to the organization they serve. The retreats include exercises, breakout rooms or groups, and visual presentations.